No Massachusetts voter possessing at least half a brain will vote in favor of Ballot Question 4 on 8 November. Ballot Question 4, if passed, would be disastrous for legitimate Massachusetts citizen-taxpayers– it would grant drivers’ licenses to Massachusetts illegal aliens who, in turn, under the Massachusetts ‘Motor Voter Law,’ would automatically be registered to vote. In addition, passing Ballot Question 4 would trigger $ Billions in additional welfare benefits for illegal aliens at Massachusetts taxpayers’ expense.

We are already bilked $ Billions for illegal aliens here—

So watch the debatehttps://www.cbsnews.com/boston/video/watch-the-complete-question-4-debate-access-to-drivers-licenses/#xand Vote “NO” on Ballot Question 4.

By the way, the robotic DemocRAT daughter of Sterling Select Board member John ‘Bent Buffoon’ Kilcoyne, State Representative Megan Kilcoyne, voted in favor of the legislation granting Massachusetts drivers’ licenses to illegal aliens. Here is the House Roll Call vote– https://www.bostonbroadside.com/mass/licensesforillegals/


UPDATE, 27 OCTOBER 2022: This writer tells it the way it is–




  1. Are you suggesting that anyone with a license can vote? No, everyone with a license cannot vote! Registering to vote requires one to also be a citizen, not just a driver!


    1. Amrith,

      Nice to hear from you. How do you like your new home in the toney Leftist Echo Chamber known as Concord, Massachusetts? You must cringe when you pass by the Old North Bridge– https://www.nps.gov/mima/north-bridge-questions.htm –it being a painful reminder that hardly anyone residing in Concord now would have the guts to fight for anything except, perhaps, the sexual mutilation of children groomed by LGBTQ perverts employed in the Concord Public Schools…

      Anyway, under the Massachusetts Motor Voter Law the Registry of Motor Vehicles is REQUIRED to report, electronically, the name and CLAIMED address of every new Massachusetts driver’s licensee to the Registrar of Voters in the municipality in which that licensee claims residence. With Massachusetts being the massively corrupt one-party state that it is–I’m sure that you are enrolled as a DemocRAT voter–there will be MASSIVE fraud resulting in these illegal aliens being registered to vote, assuming that Question 4 passes. Of course, if that happens, DemocRATS will encourage the same illegal alien free-riders to then grab for all the taxpayer-funded freebies they can get– WIC cards, fuel assistance, Medicaid, etc., so that they remain dependent, reliable DemocRAT voters down on the DemocRAT Plantation.

      So, Amrith, welcome to the REAL world. YOUR tax dollars at work!



    2. IMO – indeed it effectively will – because a Driver’s License – is a “Government” issued picture ID which will in all likelyhood lead to voting by non-citizens. Further – in states with driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants, traffic fatalities increased as much as 30% in the first 2-3 years. In California, there was a 26% increase in hit-and-runs after driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants took effect.


  2. Hello Jim, I was mighty amused to get a link to your blog a few days ago.

    I voted in favor of ballot question 4. One things that you don’t mention in your blog is that all 42 police chiefs of major Massachusetts cities support this bill when it was passed. It doesn’t state that there has been a direct connection between the licensing of undocumented people and motor vehicle accidents (in CT and CA). There has been a significant rise in the licensing of undocumented drivers (UT and NM if I recall correctly).

    In your blog post, you write that “… would automatically be registered to vote.” As you observe in your reply above, that is factually incorrect. The MA RMV already determines whether or not individuals are eligible to vote, nothing changes there. Just having a drivers license does not, and never has given one the right to vote – you need to be on the voters list and getting on that required and still requires a proof of citizenship.

    And I support Meghan Kilcoyne, and if I was in her district, I’d vote for her. And I hope she wins.


    1. Amrith,

      It is absolutely fatuous to believe that the Registry of Motor Vehicles, funded by the self-serving, self-perpetuating, reflexive tax-and-spend DemocRATs dominating the Legislature, who seek the votes of illegal immigrants by handing them freebies at hard-earned taxpayer expense, WILL EVER seek to verify the citizenship status of drivers’ license applicants if Question 4 passes. That means, AS A MATTER OF FACT AND PRACTICE, that illegal immigrants WILL automatically be enrolled as eligible voters, under the Massachusetts Motor Voter Law, if Question 4 passes. To think that illegal immigrants won’t lie about their citizenship status, once entitled to get drivers’ licenses, in order to vote, is also absolutely fatuous. AND, once on the voter rolls they will be eligible for jury duty. That means illegal immigrants, having committed a Federal crime by illegally entering the United States, may sit in judgment of LEGITIMATE U.S. citizens. If you support THAT then you are totally warped.
      I’m never impressed by ‘arguments to the crowd,’ one of the logical fallacies delineated by Aristotle 2500 years ago. There are close to 350 police chiefs in Massachusetts. Why should anyone care about what 42 of them think, especially since THEY all have THEIR hands out for grants and funds siphoned from taxpayers and doled out by the bent Legislature? ALL police chiefs take an oath to “uphold the Constitution and Laws.” Illegal entry into the United States constitutes a Federal crime– https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1325 ALL illegal immigrants, therefore, have committed a Federal crime and are subject to deportation. THOSE police chiefs supporting Question 4 are, for all practical purposes, aiders and abettors of outright criminals and have, therefore, violated their oaths of office. THEY ARE A DISGRACE.
      Meghan Kilcoyne has never held a private sector job in her life. Before her election to the Legislature she fed from the taxpayer-funded public mammary gland as an aide to Dem Rep. Harold Naughton, who did whatever the House Speaker told him to do. Meghan Kilcoyne, now feeding from the taxpayer-funded public mammary gland in his stead, carries on the tradition, robotically doing whatever the House Speaker tells her to do. In other words, a typical DemocRAT legislator who never had an independent thought. In this Commie Commonwealth it is unlikely–but I hope she gets her ass kicked on 8 November.
      As for illegal immigrants and motor vehicle accidents, I’m not the one who commented about and decline to do so now.
      I will be voting NO on Question 4–PROUDLY–on 8 November.



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